QCM Fluorescent Inks

Being both fluorescent and semi-opaque, AP Semi-Opaque Fluorescent inks produce beautiful, even, bright prints. While opaque enough to be printed without the need of an underbase on light and medium grain garments, it is still recommended to print an underbase white on dark colored fabrics.

AP Semi-Opaque Fluorescent inks print well through screen meshes in the range of 83-160 TPI (32-62 TPcm). Higher mesh counts may be used with a small loss in opacity. Screens stretched to a minimum of 25 newtons are recommended. If using lower tension screens, adjust off contact accordingly. Use just enough squeegee pressure to deposit the ink on the surface of the shirt. This will enhance the opacity and also ensure a better cure. Try not to drive the ink into the fabric. A 60/90/60 or 70 durometer sharp squeegee is recommended.

Use any direct emulsion or capillary film. Additives: N/A.

Cure at 325°F (162°C) over a 60-90 second period, depending on oven type and thickness of ink deposit. A thicker deposit will take longer to cure as the heat must penetrate through the entire ink layer.

Use any of the commercially available products for the cleanup of plastisol inks.

QCM Plastisol Ink contains no leaded pigments, and, when properly disposed of, has no environmental impact. Use a screen wash for plastisols for cleanup. Scrape screens carefully and store ink for reuse. Minimize unusable scrap ink by segregating ink by color. QCM PPR-901 Black pigment can be used to convert old ink into black ink for waste elimination.

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Posted in Ink, Textile Ink - Plastisol-Standard Cure.